
Alison Bae, Fall ’11

Cigar Box Sculpture Critique – Fall ’11

Daryl Collier CL ’05

Plaster Sculptures in the Studio

Critique – Fall ’11

Student with her sculpture, Spring ’08

Critique – Fall ’11

Student working, Spring ’07
Sculpture is art in three dimensions.
Durable sculptural processes originally used carving, a subtractive process and modeling, an additive process, in materials such as clay, marble and wood. Today, a wide variety of materials may be removed by carving, assembled by gluing or welding, and modeled, molded, or cast.
Students interesting in learning the creative and expressive practice of Sculpture should enroll in an introductory Sculpture or 3D Design course. Sculpture I (ARTS-1400) and Design (ARTS-1600) are offered each semester. In addition, Collage and Assemblage (ARTS-1405) is periodically offered. There is no prerequisite course for introductory Sculpture. Sculpture instructors in introductory classes take a process approach where students learn to assemble, using a wide range of found objects and material, carve, using plaster blocks, model, using clay and cast, using plaster. The course goals stress creativity, discussion and evaluation of subject and content, and mastery of methods, materials and techniques. Students will study a selection of artists and their practices from various art traditions.
Students who have taken one semester of Sculpture can continue their creative practice in Sculpture II (ARTS-2400) and a Directed Study (ARTS-3400) which require the instructor’s and Department’s approval.
Sculpture courses do not have a lab fee. Georgetown covers select materials, equipment maintenance and some classroom supplies. Students will have to provide some of their own materials and art supplies. This expense is similar to the cost of books in other courses.