
Major in Art 

The Art major requires eleven courses, including one course in Art History. Majors are expected to take Design I (ARTS 1600) and Drawing: A Visual Language (ARTS 1100) during the first two years, since these are designed as foundational to the discipline of Art. Although any Art History course will meet the Art major’s requirement, majors are encouraged to select an Art History course that provides depth in their Art concentration or addresses the breadth of the field.

The major also requires a three-course concentration that focuses on a specific discipline. Art majors select from the following areas of concentration: Drawing/Printmaking; Sculpture; Painting; and Photography/Graphic Design/New Media. This concentration requirement is meant to ensure that all majors have a reasonable depth of experience in the methods, materials, and techniques of one area of artistic practice.

In addition to Design I, Drawing: A Visual Language, one Art History course, and a concentration of three Studio courses, the major requires four Studio electives (or three Studio and one Art History with department permission). The four studio electives provide majors with a breadth of creative experience. With these four studio elective choices, majors can develop a second concentration or create a unique combination of media.

Finally, in their senior year, all majors take Senior Project Seminar (ARTS 4960) in the Fall semester and exhibit a selection of their work in the Senior Majors Exhibition the following Spring. The seminar enables majors to articulate the concepts in their art and to organize a strong portfolio. Participation in the Senior Majors Exhibition teaches students to present their work effectively to the Georgetown community and a wider public.

No more than three courses taken outside the Department of Art and Art History (for example cross-listed courses, study abroad courses, and transferred credits) may count toward the major in Art.

ARTS 4960 fulfills the Integrated Writing Requirement for the Art major.

Checklist: Required Courses for the Major

(11 courses, 33 hours)

A major in Art consists of eleven courses: ten in Art (Studio), and one in Art History. ARTS 1600, 1100 or an AP score of 4 or 5 are prerequisites for advanced courses.

  • Two introductory courses: ARTS 1600, 1100
  • One Art History course
  • Three Studio Art courses in a concentration area (See concentrations below).
  • Four Studio Art electives or three Studio Art electives and one Art History Advanced (4000-level) courses.
  • Senior Art seminar (Integrated Writing requirement), ARTS 4960

The Four Art Concentration Areas:

Drawing/Printmaking Concentration:

3 classes from ARTS-1100–1290, 2100–2290, 3100–3290, 4100–4290

Sculpture Concentration:

3 classes from ARTS-003, 1400–1490, 2400–2490, 3400–3490, 4400–4490

Painting Concentration:

3 classes from ARTS-2100–2190, 1500–1590, 2500–2590, 3500–3590, 4500–4590

Photography/Graphic Design and New Media Concentration:

3 classes from ARTS-123, 1300–1390, 1600–1690, 2300–2390, 2600–2690, 3300–3390, 3600–3690, 4300–4390, 4600–4690

Senior Seminar and Senior Art Majors Exhibition

All Art majors are required to take the Senior Seminar (ARTS 4960) course in the fall semester of senior year and to exhibit a selection of their work in the Senior Majors Exhibition the following Spring. The seminar enables majors to articulate the concepts in their art and to organize a strong portfolio within their area of concentration. Participation in the Senior Majors Exhibition teaches students to present their work effectively to the Georgetown community and a wider public.

Minor in Art 

A minor in Art consists of six courses in that discipline: ARTS 1600 and five additional studio art courses. It is possible to major in Art and minor in Art History, or vice versa. Minors who are not majors in either Art or Art History may take one course in the other discipline for credit toward the minor, with approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For Art minors, at least four courses must be taken within the department.

Most Art minors take Design I (ARTS 1600) prior to exploring other studio courses. The Art minor can cover a wide range of media or focus on several courses in the same area. We encourage students to gain either a broad knowledge in art making, or depth in a specific area that strengthens their major or enhances other directions in their academic studies. With permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies, one of the elective courses may be an Art History course taught within the Department of Art and Art History.

No more than two courses taken outside the Department of Art and Art History (for example cross-listed courses, study-abroad courses, and transferred credits) may count toward the minor in Art History.

Checklist: Required Courses for the Minor

(6 courses)

  • ARTS 1600
  • Five other art courses. One elective may be an Art History course, with approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

Advising for Majors and Minors

Students who consider majoring or minoring in Art should meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Art to discuss requirements, plan their program, and determine a faculty advisor. Art majors are assigned a faculty advisor in the department, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies advises Art minors. Any member of the core faculty (Professors Bocci, Hutchison, Morrell, Muhn, Reed, and Sangastiano Mackin) will be happy to work with you, although it is helpful to find an advisor with whom you are already studying. You may change advisors if your interests change. Please meet with your advisor at least once a semester, ideally during the preregistration period, to discuss your progress in the major or minor and internship and career planning. Contact information for the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Art professors may be found under the People tab of the Department of Art and Art History website.

AP Credit for Majors and Minors

For a score of 5, students will receive three credits (one course) and be excused from taking ARTS-1600 Design I or ARTS-1100 Drawing: A Visual Language. For a score of 4, students will be excused from taking ARTS-1600 Design I or ARTS-1100 Drawing: A Visual Language and can take another art course in its place.

Students with an AP score of 5 in Art would therefore be required to take ten courses to complete the major and five courses to complete the minor. Students with AP score of 4 in Art would be required to take eleven courses to complete the major and six courses to complete the minor.

Only in unusual circumstances and with the approval of the department may an Art major or minor with AP credit in Drawing be permitted to take ARTS-1100 for credit toward the major or minor, or an Art major or minor with AP credit in Design be permitted to take ARTS-1600 for credit toward the major or minor. AP credit in Art will not fulfill the core Humanities: Art, Literature and Culture (HALC) requirement.