
Lauren Ashley Panawa, 2013

Laura Golojuch, 2013

Kelsey Jones, 2013

Amanda Soderlund, 2013

Matthew Howard, 2013

James Calello, 2013

Kim D’Aria, 2013

Claire Hines, 2013
Photography is the practice of harnessing light to produce images.
Photography’s technological basis makes it a particularly protean medium that encompasses a wide range of processes and applications. Photography courses at Georgetown expose students to the medium’s unique characteristics and history while encouraging them to focus on the creative potential of photography as an artistic medium. Critiques provide students with opportunities to deliver and receive feedback about each other’s work.
Several introductory courses are offered each Fall and Spring. At the introductory level, students explore black and white analog photography, learning to operate 35mm cameras, process film, and make silver-gelatin prints using an enlarger and chemicals.
Sections of Intermediate and Advanced Photography are also offered each Fall and Spring. Intermediate and advanced students build on their technical foundation by exploring the tools of digital photographic practice, including digital cameras, scanners, and inkjet printers, as well as extending their abilities in analog photography.
Photography does not have a lab fee. Georgetown covers the cost of photographic chemicals, software licenses, and equipment maintenance. However, students still have to purchase some of their own supplies, including film and photographic paper. This expense is similar to the cost of books in other courses.