
The application portal for Fall 2025 is now open! Applications are due on Sunday, December 15th, 2024.

Prospective Student Information Sessions

The Program Overview Webinar and Q&A events for prospective students are hosted each fall by the Department and Graduate Program Coordinator. The webinar goes over the basic structure and timeline of the Art & Museum Studies Program.

You may register for one of our fall 2024 programs at the links below.

If you’d like to watch a recording of our Program Overview and Q&A event from November 15th, 2023, you can do so at the below link.

Graduate School General Information Sessions

General Admissions webinars cover the same content as an on-campus session. The Admissions Team host will provide background about Georgetown, the application process, financial aid options, and the graduate student experience. You can watch recordings of past events at the link below. Note: These sessions cannot answer program-specific questions. Attend one of our webinars or contact us directly if you have a question.

Stay in Touch

If you’d like to sign up to receive additional information, and notifications about informational programs, please complete the following form.

Admissions FAQS

If you are a current Georgetown undergraduate student interested in the Accelerated Degree Program, please see this page.

Many common questions are answered below, so please check here before reaching out.
If you have any additional questions please register for an upcoming Program Overview Webinar (see above) and/or contact us at

Q: When is the application deadline?
A: The application portal for Fall 2025 is currently open, with a deadline of December 15th, 2024.

Q: What materials are required with the application form?
A: Please submit the following:

  • Non-refundable Application Fee
  • Statement of Purpose (500 words max) stating why this program suits your goals.
  • Copies of Official Transcripts (all prior institutions)*
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (c.v.)
  • TOEFL/IELTS, if applicable (100 and 7.5 minimum, respectively)

Applicants are required to upload copies of official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended to the application system. For further information about the application materials please visit the Graduate Admissions website.

Please note that the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not required for application or admission to our program. GRE scores submitted to us will not be considered while reviewing the application.

Q: How do I apply to be considered for financial aid?
A: To receive consideration for financial aid, students must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the CSS Profile (College Scholarship Service). Please complete both the FAFSA and CSS Profile by February 1st, 2025. The Office of Student Financial Aid Services (OSFS) provides instructions on how to apply. You will receive a financial aid package prepared by OSFS in mid-April, following admission into the program.

Q: Can you send me an application, brochure, prospectus, etc., in the mail?
A: All information about the program and the application process is available on the program’s and Graduate School’s websites. You can access the pages at these two links:

We do not have any additional materials to mail out.

Q: Do I have to have majored in Art History to apply?
A: No, students who have degrees in similar fields, such as history, anthropology, sociology, and literature, are encouraged to apply. However, most successful applicants have completed some coursework in art history, and students must have a minimum of six credits of undergraduate art history coursework in order to enroll in the program.

Q: What if I don’t have two art history classes on my transcript?
A: If you don’t already have two art history classes on your college transcript, you may be admitted conditionally and be required to take appropriate art history courses before enrolling.

Q: What do you look for in a Statement of Purpose?
A: The statement of purpose should address the aspects of your background, experience, and goals that will be meaningful to the program. Tell the admissions committee why this program in particular fits your goals and why you want to enroll. You may choose to discuss something that influenced you, but the overall aim is to keep your writing as relevant, specific, and concise as possible.
We prefer that you do not send a writing sample. 

Q: What are the requirements for the three letters of recommendation?
A: Make sure the letters are from appropriate people. One (preferably two) should be from people who knew you in an academic setting. It is also helpful if you include a letter from someone who supervised you in a museum internship or job. Please make sure recommenders know what our program is about and discuss how you would be an asset to our program. It would be helpful if you give your recommenders a copy of your draft application so that they will be informed with what your goals are and why you think our program is a good fit. We suggest that you list key points for them to address in their letters. 

Q: Where do I send my application and transcript?
Please submit all materials using the online application form — do not send any application materials directly to the Art and Art History department. 

Applicants are required to upload to the application system unofficial transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. Do not send us electronic or paper copies of your transcripts before receiving an offer of admission. Review the transcript requirements section of the Application Information page for additional details.

Q: When will I know if I’ve been accepted?
A: You will be notified of your status (accepted, waitlisted, or declined) in mid to late March, in most cases. We ask accepted students to confirm their desire to matriculate as soon as possible, so that students whose names are on the waiting list can be notified of their final status in a timely manner. 

Q: Do I need to come in for an interview?
A: We do not have official interviews as part of the application process. However, we would be happy to meet prospective students to discuss the program further. Please contact the Program Coordinator, Em Aufuldish, at with any questions, or to set up an appointment. If you’d like to meet an admissions officer and have a tour of the entire campus, the Graduate School Admissions Office has regular information sessions on alternate Fridays at 1 pm for much of the school year. See the graduate school’s information session schedule here.

AMUS Program and Curriculum FAQs

Q: How long does it normally take to complete the program? 
A: The program is designed to be completed in 12 months. However, in special circumstances, a leave of absence and an adjustment in the schedule are possible. 

Q: Can I attend part-time?
The program is structured for full-time study, however, under certain circumstances, we do accept students for part time study. Please contact for further information. 

Q: Can I study at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in the fall or summer semester instead of the spring?
There is logic to the program’s organization. Everyone takes required and elective courses at Georgetown in the fall. During the spring semester, students choose one intensive course at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London or New York, or 12 credits at Georgetown.

Q: What courses can I take at Georgetown and at Sotheby’s?
A list of courses generally offered in the program can be found on the Art & Art History Department’s course web page. Note that art history courses vary from year to year, so you may find updated information on current courses and schedules through the Department’s Course Guide pages. Sotheby’s course offerings vary by year. Students in the London and New York programs take twelve credits within the MA programs for Art Business, Contemporary Art or Decorative Art and Design.

Q: Tell me more about the internships? Where can I find an internship? Do you help me find internships, and will I be paid?
A: Washington, D.C., has a wealth of museums and galleries offering internships. Our students have interned at the Smithsonian’s Free Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Galleries, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, the Kreeger Museum, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, and the Textile Museum, among many others. Most internships do not provide compensation, but students can be paid if they find a paid internship. Fall internships are considered half-time, approximately 15-20 hours per week. Admitted students receive detailed Internship Guidelines. Information on various museums’ internship programs is available on individual museums’ webpages. We urge accepted students to apply directly for internships, in consultation with the Program Director. We work closely with the internship coordinators in area museums to make sure that each student in the program has a suitable internship. For the summer internships (6 course credits), students obtain full-time positions at museums, galleries, or other art institutions in Washington, D.C., or other cities in the United States or abroad. Students meet at Georgetown at the end of summer for a four-day capstone workshop. 

Direct questions to Em Aufuldish at