2016 Annual Misty Dailey Awards – Apply Now

Posted in In the News

Submissions are now open for the 2016 Misty Dailey awards. These awards are given annually to students demonstrating exceptional work in the disciplines of Art and Art History.

The deadline for 2016 submissions is Wednesday, April 6, 2016. Submission forms and essays must be turned into the Art & Art History office (Walsh 102) by noon of that day.

The awards ceremony will be held on Friday, April 22, 2016.

Application forms and other details are available here: https://art.georgetown.edu/student-awards/dailey-awards

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Studio Art Awards: Open to graduating Seniors with a declared major and/or minor in Art. Only students with artwork included in the annual Majors and Minors exhibitions in the Art Gallery will be considered. The Gallery Director will contact you directly via email with further instructions. No form is required​
  • Art History Awards: Open to graduating Seniors with a declared major and/or minor in Art History. Students will submit only one paper to be judged by an outside juror. Papers may be written in either your junior or senior year. Majors may submit a research paper or short paper. Minors may not submit a research paper. A completed application form must be submitted with the essay
  • Travel Awards: Open to declared majors and minors in Art and/or Art History, who are studying for research abroad or in the United States during the summer of 2016 or the upcoming 2016-2017 academic year. Graduating Seniors may not apply. A completed application form must be submitted with a 500 word essay describing the project. Entry Form
  • Art & Psychology Award: Open to graduating Seniors majoring or minoring in Psychology, as well as majoring or minoring in Art or Art History. Applicants can be a double major, major-minor, or double minor combination. A completed application form must be submitted with a 500 word essay describing your interest in art & psychology. Entry Form